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Happy Feet, Happy Mind

HappyFeet Kidz

  • Description


HappyFeet Kidz

Shock Absorbers for Their Feet!

HappyFeet Kidz allows children to enjoy the traditional benefits of HappyFeet, and much more! From babies to toddlers, little kids to big kids!

The bad habit of “walking” our babies helps reinforce a child’s dependancy, and limits their ability to learn on their own and develop their own walking technique. Similarly, the use of walkers is also not recommended for the same reasons.

This is why HappyFeet Kidz can be of such benefit in an infant’s growth. By increasing sensory neuron stimulation, at a time when their motor development most needs it, infants benefit from improved skill development while avoiding the drawbacks of walkers or of being walked.

Words from the CEO

HappyFeet CEO Michael Burch discusses HappyFeet Kidz

Sizing Chart

Baby shoe sizes (0-12 months):

Size 0 (2 4/5 inches long)

Size 0.5 (2 1/4 inches long)

Size 1 (3 1/2 inches long)

Size 1.5 (3 5/8 inches long)

Size 2 (3 3/4 inches long)

Size 2.5 (4 inches long)

Size 3 (4 1/8 inches long)

Size 3.5 (4 1/4 inches long)

Size 4 (4 1/2 inches long)

Size 4.5 (4 5/8 inches long)

Walker shoe sizes (12-24 months):

Size 5 (4 3/4 inches long)

Size 5.5 (5 inches long)

Size 6 (5 1/8 inches long)

Size 6.5 (5 1/4 inches long)

Size 7 (5 1/2 inches long)

Size 7.5 (5 5/8 inches long)

Toddler shoe sizes (2-4 years):

Size 8 (5 3/4 inches long)

Size 8.5 (6 inches long)

Size 9 (6 1/8 inches long)

Size 9.5 (6 1/4 inches long)

Size 10 (6 1/2 inches long)

Size 10.5 (6 5/8 inches long)

Size 11 (6 3/4 inches long)

Size 11.5 (7 inches long)

Size 12 (7 1/8 inches long)

Little kid shoe sizes (4-8 years):

Size 12.5 (7 1/4 inches long)

Size 13 (7 1/2 inches long)

Size 13.5 (7 5/8 inches long)

Sizes switch to adult numbering:

Size 1 (7 3/4 inches long)

Size 1.5 (8 inches long)

Size 2 (8 1/8 inches long)

Size 2.5 (8 1/4 inches long)

Size 3 (8 1/2 inches long)

Big kid shoe sizes (8-12 years):

Size 3.5 (8 5/8 inches long)

Size 4 (8 3/4 inches long)

Size 4.5 (9 inches long)

Size 5 (9 1/8 inches long)

Size 5.5 (9 1/4 inches long)

Size 6 (9 1/2 inches long)

Size 6.5 (9 5/8 inches long)

Size 7 (9 3/4 inches long)