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Happy Feet, Happy Mind


Our work with Bridges of America

HappyFeet Bridges of AmericaHappyFeet, and founder Michael Burch (second from left), are proud to support the work of Bridges of America. Founded in 1980, Bridges of America is the largest, oldest and most successful private provider of re-entry programming in the state of Florida, providing a continuum of care in Residential Substance Abuse Treatment Programs, Transition Centers, Community Release Centers, and Community Re-Entry Services Transitional Housing for offenders, ex-felons and probation populations.


HappyFeet’s Donation to Baptist Medical Dental Missions International

Baptist Medical Dental Missions International go to local, foreign and international locations to provide medical, dental, optical, as well as food, medication and clothes. Last year they gave out 5,000+ pairs of shoes to kids and mothers that have 1 pair or no shoes at all.

We are in our collection time and I cannot tell you how much your donation means to us. It is life changing to give a child a new suit of clothes and shoes. It shows them love and hope for the future.


Thank you again. You are awesome.


Kevin McDowell

Baptist Medical Dental Missions International